We bear social responsibility vis-á-vis our customers, staff, shareholders and the general public. It falls within the scope of our responsibility that we comply with effective laws at all times and in all places, that we respect ethical core values and act in a sustainable manner. Our Corporate Governance is manifested in the guiding principles of our company and constitutes the invariable basis of all our activities. With the Code of Conduct we have stipulated binding guidelines for our business relationships and it is this Code of Conduct that determines the activities of our staff and executives in accordance with statutory regulations.
Since October 2012 Hansa Meyer Global Transport GmbH & Co. KG has been a member of the UN Global Compact initiative. In joining this initiative, we have committed ourselves to ten universal principles in the areas: human rights, working standards, environmental protection and the prevention of corruption as well as the support of the sustainable development goals.
Striving to find the best solutions for our customers it is our passion and enthusiasm that have made us what we are today: successful and experienced transport architects with more than 30 years of experience. We are not specialized in rocket technology but in logistics with people who see eye-to-eye with each other in their endeavors, who chat with each other and are down-to-earth. Is this where you see yourself too? If you do, please contact us via our contact form.
Hansa Meyer Global Transport GmbH & Co. KG | UN Global Compact