Case Studies in Russland / GUS
Container Cranes
Container Cranes
Branch in charge: Germany
Destination: Vostochniy, Russian Federation
Cargo: Terminal Server for Container Handling
Volume: 1,622 frt
Job description:
This Project was executed in one lot from 5 pick-up locations in Germany, Poland and Hungary. 4 pieces had a width of approx. 6 m. Therefore, the police had to escort the cargo to the POL (Hamburg, Germany) all way long.
Small pieces were stuffed into containers and OOG (out of gauge) pieces -onto flat racks in the port. 4 items had to go as break bulk onto the same container vessel to fulfill the requirement to ship everything in one lot.
The cargo was shipped to the port of Busan, South Korea, and transshipped by our local partner in Busan. The containers and flat racks were sent back to the carrier in Korea and the complete cargo was shipped as break bulk to Vostochniy.

Gas Pipeline
Gas Pipeline
Branch in charge: Germany
Destination: Zerger, Turkmenistan
Cargo: Parts for a Gas Pipeline
Volume: 1,600 frt
Job description:
The Project was divided into 3 almost equal lots.
It was the fastest and safest way of transportation for this project.
One item, being too big for the railway, needed to be transported by a special truck to the site.
For the railway transportation, we arranged pre-carriage to Mukran and Kiel (Germany) where the cargo was loaded into broad gauge railway wagons.

Industrial Furnace
Industrial Furnace
Branch in charge: Germany
Destination: Volgograd, Russia
Cargo: Parts for an industrial furnace
Volume: 4,845 frt
Job description:
The cargo orginated from Germany (Beckum, Haseluenne, Ennigerloh), Hungary (Pecs) and Austria (Krummnussbaum).
The whole project to Volgograd was arranged by standard tilt trucks, a megatrailer and special trucks for ODC’s.
We also provided export customs declarations for single shipments.
The above cargo was composed of general cargo, steel parts, a fines cooler, a furnace head and other oven segments.

Pulp and Paper Plant
Pulp and Paper Plant
Branch in charge: Germany
Destination: Novodvinsk, Russia
Cargo: Pulp and Paper Plant
Volume: 5,000 frt
Job description:
The cargo was loaded in Shanghai (China), transshipment was arranged in Antwerp (Belgium), and the goods were shipped to the final destination of Arkhangelsk (Russia).
Shipment of the pulp and paper plant sections up to 27 t was handled by a dockside crane.
Digester installation at Arkhangelsk Port was arranged by a dockside crane as well.